For Carla J. Faust
Without you, there would be no us,
Gatherer of warriors, caretaker of brave men,
Guardian of principles,
Your skill with a blade, as sharp as your wit,
Your words always honest, cutting to the bone,
You've taken blows that would make many a man reel,
We will tread the path bravely, looking to your footsteps,
An unbreakable spirit must bend, but only as far as we ourselves allow,
This lesson won't be forgotten, your teachings will be honored,
It is the Tribe Mother's duty to leave all she gathered,
She places it in the care of her Tribe Children,
She asks for nothing in return, nothing but our best
She would never ask of them that which she wouldn't ask of herself.
-Your student, friend, and birthday twin,
M. Jaramillo